Alcove Farms
OuR Story
Hundreds of years ago, the land our farm sits on today and much of the land surrounding Lubbock, Texas, looked very different. What was once called "Good Prairie" on a map has become dry and desolate land. But in 2016, Alcove Farms took root on 160-acres with the mission to, "sow, grow and restore."
As soon as your boots hit the ground on the farm, you will be greeted by our 3,000+ free range, mobile-pastured hens enjoying the West Texas sun alongside our cattle. Our farm is the first of its kind in city limits, utilizing regenerative farming techniques where cows, chickens, plants, sunlight, and water come together to create rich soil. This fertile ground creates nourished land for hens to free range and lay fresh eggs that contain more vitamin D, protein, and Omega-3 creating the perfect fuel for your body.
Alcove Farms, a part of the Betenbough Companies team, produces fresh, nutrient-packed fresh eggs and pasture raised chicken.
Regenerative Farming in Lubbock, Texas
In a region where many of our West Texas crops deplete the land of nutrients, Alcove Farms has committed to regenerative farming, which aims to restore the land back to a rich and fertile state. We achieve this by allowing our hens to forage a specific portion of pastureland each day.
By encouraging our hens to live on a chosen piece of land, chicken manure, the sun, plants, and water work together to produce natural nutrients that fertilize the soil. The next day, our flock is moved by our caring farmers to a new portion of pasture, giving the previously resided land time to rest, absorb nutrients, and regrow healthier plants than before. By continuing this process day after day, the land is slowly, consistently and naturally restored and improved, all while simply allowing our hens to live freely as God intended.
Our team of dedicated farmers work as stewards of all our resources, protecting and diligently caring for our land, hens and eggs. Everyday they ensure that our hens are safe, fed and loved. With careful hands, they select and package our pasture-raised eggs for your family, and process chicken to ensure quality and freshness.
This is God’s most natural method of farming – where the farmers, animals, plants, sun, water and land come together to produce fertile ground and bountiful returns.